Electron-Phonon Coupling and Electron Heat Capacity in Metals at High Electron Temperatures

In the table below you can find files with tabulated data on the temperature dependences of the electron heat capacity and the electron-phonon coupling factor, given for a range of electron temperatures that are typically realized in femtosecond laser processing of materials. The data is calculated for several metals based on their electron density of states, taking into account the effect of thermal excitation of electrons located below the Fermi level. You can find detailed information on the method used in the calculations and discussion of the results in the references listed below.*

Material el-ph coupling, G(Te) Electron heat capacity, Ce(Te) Chemical potential, μ(Te)-εF Electron DOS, DOS(ε-εF)
Gold G_Au.dat Ce_Au.dat mu_Au.dat DOS_Au.dat
Nickel G_Ni.dat Ce_Ni.dat mu_Ni.dat DOS_Ni.dat
Copper G_Cu.dat Ce_Cu.dat mu_Cu.dat DOS_Cu.dat
Platinum G_Pt.dat Ce_Pt.dat mu_Pt.dat DOS_Pt.dat
Silver G_Ag.dat Ce_Ag.dat mu_Ag.dat DOS_Ag.dat
Aluminum G_Al.dat Ce_Al.dat mu_Al.dat DOS_Al.dat
Tungsten G_W.dat Ce_W.dat mu_W.dat DOS_W.dat
Molybdenum G_Mo.dat Ce_Mo.dat mu_Mo.dat DOS_Mo.dat
Titanium G_Ti.dat Ce_Ti.dat mu_Ti.dat DOS_Ti.dat
Iron (bcc) G_Fe_BCC.dat Ce_Fe_BCC.dat mu_Fe_BCC.dat DOS_Fe_BCC.dat
Iron (fcc) G_Fe_FCC.dat Ce_Fe_FCC.dat mu_Fe_FCC.dat DOS_Fe_FCC.dat
Ni50Fe50 G_Ni50Fe50.dat Ce_Ni50Fe50.dat mu_Ni50Fe50.dat DOS_Ni50Fe50.dat
Ni80Fe20 G_Ni80Fe20.dat Ce_Ni80Fe20.dat mu_Ni80Fe20.dat DOS_Ni80Fe20.dat
Ni80Cr20 G_Ni80Cr20.dat Ce_Ni80Cr20.dat mu_Ni80Cr20.dat DOS_Ni80Cr20.dat

In files of G(Te), Ce(Te), and μ(Te)-εF, the first column is the electron temperature in units of 104K.
G(Te), Ce(Te), and μ(Te)-εF, are in the second columns in units of 1017Wm-3K-1, 105Jm-3K-1, and eV, respectively.
In files of the electron DOS, the first column is ε-εF in units of eV, the second column is the DOS in units of states/eV/atom.

*By request from several research groups, the original calculations reported in PRB08 for electron temperatures up to 20,000 K have been extended up to 50,000 K. The ranges of energy levels in electron densities-of-states had to be extended as well to account for broader energy distributions of the thermally excited electrons. The data posted in the Table above is for these extended calculations.
The extended range of energies and higher resolutions of the electron densities-of-states used in the new calculations (data posted on the Website) slightly modifies the temperature dependences of the thermophysical parameters compared to the results reported in PRB08. There have also been some minor inaccuracies in the data files for Ce that were initially posted on the web site. These inaccuracies were identified with the help of Nail' A. Inogamov (Landau Institute, Russia) and the files for Ce were updated in April of 2012.
The plots comparing the results of the two sets of calculations and corresponding parameters of the electron densities-of-states can be found here.

The data for Ni50Fe50, Ni80Fe20, and Ni80Cr20 alloys is calculated by German Samolyuk (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) and added in June of 2018.


M. He, C. Wu, M. V. Shugaev, G. D. Samolyuk, and L. V. Zhigilei, Computational study of short-pulse laser-induced generation of crystal defects in Ni-based single-phase binary solid-solution alloys, J. Phys. Chem. C 123, 2202-2215, 2019.
Full Text: PDF, doi:10.1021/acs.jpcc.8b09922, Supplementary Data

Z. Lin, L. V. Zhigilei, and V. Celli, Electron-phonon coupling and electron heat capacity of metals under conditions of strong electron-phonon nonequilibrium, Phys. Rev. B 77, 075133, 2008.
Full Text: PDF (508 kB)

Z. Lin and L. V. Zhigilei, The role of thermal excitation of d band electrons in ultrafast laser interaction with noble (Cu) and transition (Pt) metals, Proceedings of the International Conference on Integration and Commercialization of Micro and Nano-systems (MicroNanoChina07), ASME paper MNC2007-21076, 2007.
Full Text: PDF (135 kB)

Z. Lin and L. V. Zhigilei, Temperature dependences of the electron-phonon coupling, electron heat capacity and thermal conductivity in Ni under femtosecond laser irradiation, Appl. Surf. Sci. 253, 6295-6300, 2007.
Full Text: PDF (297 kB)

Z. Lin and L. V. Zhigilei, Thermal excitation of d band electrons in Au: implications for laser-induced phase transformations, High-Power Laser Ablation VI, edited by C. R. Phipps, Proc. SPIE 6261, 62610U, 2006.
Full Text: PDF (683 kB)

This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grants No. 0348503 and 0907247.
Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

The data for solid solution alloys is produced with supported by the Energy Dissipation to Defect Evolution (EDDE) an Energy Frontier Research Center funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Basic Energy Sciences

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